
Victoria Beckham’s “Horny” Instagram Caption Goes Viral

In a tweet that has now gone viral with almost 3 million views and tens of thousands of likes and retweets, somebody shared a screenshot of Victoria’s caption and wrote: “This horny caption I’m uncomfortable.”

“she had flashbacks while writing,” somebody else joked in the quote-tweets. One more quipped: “thought it was a very tastefully horny caption, myself.”

Others couldn’t help but find the whole thing pretty inspiring, with one popular response reading: “I actually live for it.”

“This level of horniness after being married to someone for decades is actually goals tbh,” another added. One more agreed: “Remebering [sic] the freak fest you had with your spouse, 27 years pre marriage, is goals like a mf.”

While somebody else concluded: “I love a rich, famous, hot couple who’s still horny for each other after decades of marriage.”

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