If you are feeling like you are out of touch and today’s Connections puzzle is out of reach, you may need a little break and a tip or two to help you figure out the rest of the puzzle. I can’t really explain it, but this puzzle in particular just made me tired. It might just be that I’m tired in general, but that is how this puzzle made me feel. To help you avoid that exhaustion, check out these tips and tricks.
If you want something very similar to Connections, you can get a lot of the same vibes from the NYT’s Wordle puzzle. It has many of the same feelings and many of the same strategies for solving it, but you will be constructing a single word rather than a bunch of categories. For me, I tend to find Wordle a little easier, as constructing a word tends to be more straightforward than understanding the subtle connections between them.
Today’s Connections Category Hints
MARCH 27 #655
If you need to figure out today’s puzzle but don’t know where to start – or are feeling a little tired like me, I can get your journey jump-started with a few clues. I always felt very close to the right answers, like they really were just out of reach, and I think that’s a good indication that there is some crossover between the categories today. However, with the right clues the puzzle will become a lot easier.
- One category is about words that describe an action that changes someone or something else
- One category is about words that might be used in a situation where someone is praising someone else
- One category is about words that are used “incorrectly” to describe a certain object that you need a lot of these days
- One category is about four words that can all be put after the same prefix in a way that makes sense

12 Letter Boxed Strategies To Win Quickly
The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.
Use the following category names to charge up your puzzling brain and get you into the right ballpark. However, you can also use the spoilers if you need a quick clarification to help you not feel too frustrated.
Today’s Connections Answers
MARCH 27 #655
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
AFFECT | |||
This one I felt like I was dancing around, but there were other words, like SCRATCH, that would affect someone or something else through TOUCH. I also thought CHANGE was a big potential word here, and it does seem like it should go here in any other circumstance. However, while I kept dancing around the right group of words, I never completely got there. It’s always sad when it’s the easy category that you don’t get.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
YOU GOT IT! | |||
I think I was close to this one as well, but I, unfortunately, had BINGO and DING elsewhere in their own category and CORRECT and RIGHT also by themselves and thought it wasn’t even a category because there wasn’t much to go with it. However, now I can see what I missed, and it’s very unfortunate that I had the two pairs together but couldn’t finish them off. I only made a guess with these words once, so it wasn’t the full reason why I lost, but it did make me sad.

NYT Mini Crossword: 8 Strategies To Solve It Fast
This tricky little five by five crossword isn’t always as easy as it looks; here are a couple easy tips and tricks to beat your friends’ times!
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
I feel like Connections has had several categories that reference words for money recently. However, maybe I’m just not cool enough, but I would have never used SCRATCH as slang for money and would not have put it in this category even if I managed to get the other three. I don’t remember looking hard at these words, except CHANGE, as I was too focused elsewhere. Although, it still remains that SCRATCH would have not gotten put in here no matter what.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
I was close on this one in a very similar way, as I had both of these pairs together multiple times but not put together into the same category. It’s apparently a trend for this puzzle, which tells me the editor did a fairly good job at misdirecting all of us. While this puzzle was challenging – and even a little exhausting – for me, I think it was a fair one, and I understand where all the misdirects came from when a few of the other recent puzzles didn’t feel that way.
Other Games Like Connections
Check out something like Primel if you want something more numbers-based, or The Password Game if you want something a little more involved.

- Released
June 12, 2023
- Developer(s)
The New York Times Company
- Publisher(s)
The New York Times Company
- Platform(s)
Web Browser, Mobile
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