
Linda Cardellini And Liz Feldman Discuss No Good Dead, Dead To Me

And for you, Linda, how was it being part of an ensemble of actors, many of whom are veterans like yourself who people have watched in so many projects over the years?

LC: Oh god, it’s great. I mean, everybody has such a different and specific energy. And I feel like a lot of the people, you’ve seen their work for a long time, you know them as different characters, but you get to see them in a different way in the show. 

I mean, for instance, Ray [Romano] and Lisa [Kudrow] and Denis [Leary] together, the three of them together it’s so much fun to watch. It’s almost like you wish for it, but never think it will happen that you get to see those three people in a scene together, and there it is. Everybody’s bringing something to it where it feels familiar but also something you’ve never seen before. I just loved it. 

I was so excited for any time I got to cross over. I get to be in scenes with Ray. I get to do scenes with Lisa or, like, passing through and seeing Linda Lavin with her dogs walking down the street. And Luke [Wilson] is so much fun to work with. I think the energy between his character and my character is so good. They’re such polar opposites, and it almost seems so crazy that the two of our energies work together. You can see how these people got together and tricked each other into staying there somehow, right? 

So I just think it’s so much fun. And he has just got such an exquisite way of doing things. I’m not even in the scene, but the scene he has with Lisa, he’s got this scene with her, and there’s a piano. And I just think it’s, like, one of my favorite things that I could sit and watch. Both of them are endlessly interesting to watch. And O-T [Fagbenle], Teyonah [Parris], Abbi [Jacobson], Anna Marie [Horsford], Poppy [Liu], I mean, everybody’s so great. So when I finally got to watch the show, which was very recently, it was so enjoyable to see everybody in their little pocket because you didn’t actually get to interact with everybody. 

So watching it is really fun because you get to see what everybody else was doing and all the other parts of the story and how they come back together.

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