
Disposing of your Pets Waste Properly | Local-news

Are you not cleaning up after your pets? Did you know that Ararta law requires you to? It’s also a health and environmental hazard. As poop can spread disease to wildlife, other pets, and even humans. That’s why doggy pot has spots all around Arcata.

“The city just wanted to remind community members to pick up their pets’ waste, whether it’s a dog, a cat, a horse, or even a pig,” said Courtnie Lachaine.

“You know, pet waste contains a lot of harmful bacteria and viruses, and that can contaminate our local waterways through stormwater runoff.”

“The California State Water Board found a lot of contamination in our local waterways. And, it was directly linked to pet waste.”

The State Water Board is responsible for water quality and use in California, including the protection of water sources near Arcata. Disposing of your pets waste the right way will help with contamination of the city’s water. 

“It’s really good to be prepared with doggie bags. Either having them with you or in your car attached to the pets leash. But there’s also a lot of locations that the city offers in our open spaces and trails with the doggy pots, just to have as many options as possible to properly dispose of that waste and get it off of the trails and make sure it doesn’t contaminate our stormwater. Contamination can really impact other pets ourselves and, our local wildlife.”

In both open and trails spaces around the city of Arcata, there’s quite a few doggy bag locations for you to use a bag, tie it up, and dispose of your animals waste in the garbage. 

“It’s pretty unsightly,” said Dog Owner, Atthys Gage.

“You know, particularly after it builds up for a while. So, yeah, I think people should do it. I there’s always great that there’s, you can almost always find, like a, like a bag in the to the garbage can to use. And I don’t know, I guess people just get lazy or whatever, but but yeah, I think it’s really important.”

“You know, unfortunately, there is no poop fairy. So when duty calls, we got to scoop the poop,” said Lachaine.


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