
Sleep Token Seem to Be Teasing New Music on Social Media

Sleep Token seem to be teasing new music on exclusive social media accounts that fans have been invited to follow.

Earlier today (Feb. 26), the State of the Scene Podcast wrote a post on X stating that Sleep Token directed fans to a private Instagram account with the name @featheredhost. They also shared a screenshot of one of the posts on the account, which featured a photo of sheet music.

Apparently, there’s more than one account Sleep Token have made. An individual responded to the State of the Scene‘s post with two more screenshots of sheet music from another private account that the band sent fans to. See both posts below.

The first account, @featheredhost, currently has over 1,300 followers. The bio on the page reads, “The cycle must end.” The other one, @houseveridian, has over 1,400 followers and the bio says, “The house must endure.” Both accounts only have one post at this time and are not following anyone.

How Fans Discovered the Instagram Accounts

According to a post on the Sleep Token Reddit page, a fan received an email from an account with the name Feathered Host and the subject of the email read, “Have you been waiting long for me?” The email contained a graphic with the title, “Behold, an offering.” When the fan clicked the graphic, it brought them to the Feathered House Instagram page.

As noted by others in the comments, it seems that fans received an email from either Feathered Host or House Veridian, and the email contained a link that brought them to the corresponding Instagram account.

Someone shared a screenshot of their email from House Veridian on X, which you can see below.

Sleep Token Fans Playing the Sheet Music

In an attempt to figure out what the music sounds like, some fans have been playing the sheet music and uploading it to social media. Hear some examples below.

Sleep Token’s Website Mentions the Two Accounts

Last week, Sleep Token launched a TikTok account, and one of the clips directed fans to the website There was initially a puzzle on the website, which you can read about at this location. However, the site has since been updated.

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Upon visiting the link, the top of the page says, “Choose your allegiance.” Below the title are the two graphics that fans received in their emails — House Veridian has a green image with gold swords crossed in the middle, and Feathered Host is tan in color with a gold feather in the center. Visitors can click either image and are then prompted to enter their email addresses.

Below each graphic are the quotes that are mentioned in the bio of the corresponding Instagram accounts, “The house must endure” and “The cycle must end.”

sleep token website

The 25 Best Metal Songs of the Last 25 Years

So much metal, so many subgenres, but these songs stood out above the crowd in furthering heavy music over the last 25 years.

Contributions by Jordan Blum (JB), Chad Childers (CC), Joe DiVita (JD), John Hill (JH) and Lauryn Schaffner (LS).

Gallery Credit: Loudwire Staff

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