The Boruto manga series has introduced a plethora of interesting and compelling characters who have quickly gained popularity among fans. One common topic among these new cast members is having a tragic past from which they cannot escape. Out of all of them, the one who arguably continues to suffer to this day is Eida, one of Kara’s androids who can make everyone in her presence fall in love.
While this power has helped her survive so far, it has also made it impossible for her to create real bonds with people, as they are never truly interested in her. Nonetheless, after meeting Sarada and Sumire, the most overpowered of all Amado’s creations, was given a golden opportunity for real friendship. Eida cannot waste this chance, and the series has proven she is aware of this fact.
Eida Longs for True Friends
Sarada and Sumire Are Her Only Hope
When Eida was first introduced to the Boruto series, she was presented as a cold and uncaring girl, never smiling or showing any semblance of joy. The series quickly revealed that her lack of emotions was directly caused by the powers given to her by the cells of the powerful Shibai Otsutsuki, implanted on her body by Amado. Her unique skill made anyone in her presence immediately fall in love with her, preventing them from harming or upsetting her in any way. Her powers are incredibly useful, but they also cause her to doubt people.
Eida can never be sure if someone is truly trying to be kind and friendly with her because they genuinely like her or because her powers compel them to. This is one of the reasons why she developed a crush on Kawaki, as his status as an Otsutsuki makes him immune to her powers. Nonetheless, after the events of chapter #80 of the first part of the manga, it was revealed that Sarada and Sumire cannot fall victim to Eida’s charm, as not even Omnipotence affected them.
I Figured Out the Power of Naruto’s New Mangekyo Sharingan, And It’s OP
Sarada’s Mangekyo Sharingan ability has finally been seen in action, and while it hasn’t been fully revealed, there is enough information to guess.
Although Eida has done an amazing job pretending not to notice, the manga makes it clear that she is aware her powers do not work on the girls. This can be noted by how she holds Daemon near her whenever Sarada or Sumire are nearby. Since they could hurt her if they had the intent, she uses her brother as a shield in case she is attacked. Still, the fact that she has not done anything about it might mean she hopes to become friends with the girls.
Eida Longs for Real Connection
Kawaki Has Denied Her the Opportunity
Throughout most of her time in the manga, Eida has tried on several occasions to form a deeper bond with Kawaki, as his immunity would mean his feelings for her are real. Her attempts have never borne the fruits she expected, as the dangerous villain has often made it clear he does not care for the girl. As such, Eida has begun looking for other ways to fill her heart, a task that has been made easier thanks to Sarada and Sumire. Their friendship might have begun as a mission to spy on Kara’s ex-member, but they have become closer.
Sumire and Sarada are the only people in Konoha who choose to spend their time with Eida, and she appreciates them for this. Even though she has decided to keep her guard up, as trust does not come easily for her, her willingness to open herself to them proves she wishes to have a real connection. For Eida, having Sarada and Sumire visit her constantly is the closest thing to a real friendship she has ever felt.
Eida’s Friends Could Make Her Betray Kawaki
The Woman Has Already Shown Bias for Boruto
Over the last couple of chapters, fans have witnessed Eida’s transformation from one of Kawaki’s most loyal allies to an occasional Boruto supporter. Little by little, the woman realizes that Naruto’s adoptive son is never going to see her as more than a tool for his goals, and she has chosen to do right by the legitimate Uzumaki heir. Her desire to help her true friends, Sarada and Sumire, might lead her to reverse the effects of Omnipotence, revealing Kawaki as the villain he is and bringing the manga right to its finale.
Eida’s powers, while fascinating and strong, truly make her one of Boruto’s most tragic characters. The series might be trying to give her the friends she has always wanted, but the resolution of her character arc is still far away. Future chapters will reveal if she truly wishes to remain friends with the girls or if her crush on Kawaki is even stronger.
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