
Alex Ross announces exclusive Spider-Man & Venom prints

On Friday, artist Alex Ross announced two signed, exclusive Marvel character prints that will be available at San Diego Comic-Con at the end of the month. Originally designed for the Marvel Office Mural Project, these prints—featuring Spider-Man and Venom—are digital prints on 18″ x 24″ fine art paper, individually numbered with a certificate of authenticity. There are only 100 of each, and interested fans can sign up for the waiting list right now.

Check out Ross’s SDCC-exclusive Spider-Man and Venom art prints below.

To join the waitlist for the Spider-Man print, click here.

To join the waitlist for the Venom print, click here.

Joining the waitlist requires you to register an email and password on Ross’s website, after which you’ll get a confirmation email. The confirmation email states that you’ll receive an additional message when you’re eligible to purchase the print you want. Based on this system and the limited quantity of each print, it’s unclear whether either piece will be available for purchase at the convention itself, though we expect more details will be released once the purchasing queue begins.

In the weeks leading up to SDCC ’24, an influx of exclusives from artists, writers, publishers, toy companies, and more will be announced, allowing attendees to get a glimpse of the show floor before visiting booths during the convention, which takes place this year during the weekend of July 25-28. 

Stay tuned for more SDCC ’24 coverage from The Beat.

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