8 Ways Lord Of The Rings’ New Movie Connects To The Main Trilogy


  • Warner Bros’ Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim will bring audiences to a different period in Middle-earth’s history, but it will still share several connections with Peter Jackson’s film trilogy.
  • The animated prequel will explore the conflict between the Kingdom of Rohan and the Dunlendings, focusing on the tragic story of King Helm Hammerhand.
  • Miranda Otto will reprise her role as Éowyn, serving as the film’s narrator, adding a sense of continuity and making the prequel feel like a cohesive addition to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Warner Bros’ upcoming Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim will bring audiences to a different period in Middle-earth’s history, but it will still share several connections with Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings film trilogy. The animated prequel is joining the ever-growing list of screen adaptations of author J.R.R. Tolkien’s works, this time diving into one of the lesser-told stories of Middle-earth. Of course, given the massive success of Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies, one of the most prevalent questions regarding War of the Rohirrim is how the film will tie in.

Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy is considered the highest standard of Tolkien screen adaptations. The aesthetic, cast, and adherence to canon are all part of why these films are so beloved today, and this has made it difficult for other movies and series, such as Prime Video’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, to gain the same kind of public acceptance. However, Warner Bros and New Line have again joined forces for the anime movie Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, and though the film will surely be significantly different, audiences can expect several key connections to Jackson’s iconic trilogy.



2024’s New Lord Of The Rings Movie Will Make Peter Jackson’s Trilogy Even Better

Given its connections to the original trilogy, 2024’s Lord of the Rings movie could make Peter Jackson’s series even better, 20 years after it ended.

8 War Of The Rohirrim Is A Prequel Movie For Rohan In LOTR

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim will be set 180 years before Peter Jackson’s trilogy.

Riders of Rohan assembling in a line with spears in The Lord of the Rings.

The Kingdom of Rohan was heavily featured in Jackson’s Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Return of the King, and War of the Rohirrim will dive even deeper into the history of these Horse-lords. Through the trilogy, audiences get to know King Théoden, Éomer, and Éowyn and see the kingdom’s conflicted relationship with Gondor. However, War of the Rohirrim will explore the kingdom’s conflict with another clan of Men, the Dunlendings, and follow the tragic story of King Helm Hammerhand, who ruled Rohan 183 years before Théoden’s death in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

7 Lord Of The Rings’ New Movie Directly Explains Helm’s Deep From The Two Towers

War of the Rohirrim will follow the namesake character of Helm’s Deep.

Viggo Mortenson overlooking Helm's Deep in the Two Towers

In Jackson’s Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Theoden led his people to Helm’s Deep, where Rohan waged war with Saruman’s Uruk-hai. This stronghold is named for Helm Hammerhand, one of the central characters of War of the Rohirrim, and is, therefore, sure to be a significant setting of the film. According to Tolkien canon, Helm’s Deep was initially established by the Kingdom of Gondor, but it was later gifted to the Rohirrim. Then, during the Long Winter, Hammerhand and his soldiers took refuge there, which is when the place got its new name. After that, several significant battles with the Dunlendings occurred at Helm’s Deep.

6 War Of The Rohirrim Is About King Théoden’s Ancestor

Lord of the Rings’ Théoden is a descendant of Helm Hammerhand’s nephew.

theoden-eomer-eowyn-lord-of-the-rings-the-two-towers - Edited (1)

King Théoden was a crucial character in Jackson’s Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. He was seen to be a strong-willed king, determined to protect his people at any cost. This is something of a family trait, as will be seen in The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim with Théoden’s ancestor, Helm Hammerhand. This tragic king of Rohan was known to be so strong that he never used an actual weapon, instead killing his enemies with a single blow of his fist. This will be thrilling to see on the screen, especially in the anime format of War of the Rohirrim.

5 The New Lord Of The Rings Movie Will Explain A Statue From The Two Towers


Though it’s never directly addressed in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, a statue of Helm Hammerhand is seen at Helm’s deep leading up to the battle with Saruman’s Uruk-hai. The legendary Tolkien character is recognized by the hammer in his hand and his war horn, which was said to sound preceding Hammerhand’s launch into battle. Since Helm’s Deep was established long before this Rohirrim King came to stay at the Hornburg, it will be interesting to see the circumstances of this statue’s construction. Another broken statue can be seen next to Helm’s in Jackson’s Two Towers, and War of the Rohirrim may have an opportunity to reveal who this was meant to be.

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is set to be released on December 13, 2024.

4 Miranda Otto’s Éowyn Will Narrate War Of The Rohirrim

Otto is the only known returning Lord of the Rings actor in War of the Rohirrim.

Though most of the characters from Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy won’t have been born yet in War of the Rohirrim, at least one cast member is returning for the prequel. Miranda Otto will reprise her role as Éowyn, who will serve as the film’s narrator. This implies that War of the Rohirrim will be something of a story within a story—perhaps with Éowyn telling her children (with husband Faramir of Gondor) about the history of their Rohan family. This will be among the more exciting tie-ins with Jackson’s beloved films and will serve to make this prequel feel like a cohesive addition to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

3 The LOTR’s Illustrators Alan Lee & John Howe Are On War Of The Rohirrim’s Creative Team

Alan Lee and John Howe were artists on Peter Jackson’s creative team for the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

So much of how modern audiences perceive Middle-earth comes down to the breathtaking designs of Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies and everything to do with illustrators Alan Lee and John Howe. Not only were the pair responsible for the concept art for all three Lord of the Rings films, but Lee served as the illustrator for several editions of Tolkien’s posthumously published works. This makes the news that Lee and Howe will be on the creative team for War of the Rohirrim highly comforting. The anime medium for the prequel film means that Middle-earth will be portrayed in a whole new light, but with the talented duo, War of the Rohirrim should feel just like Jackson’s Middle-earth.

2 The Battles In The New LOTR Will Again Feature the Easterlings & Corsairs Of Umbar

Rohan will have many of the same enemies in War of the Rohirram as in Jackson’s Lord of the Rings.

Lord Of The Rings Most Powerful Races Ranked Easterlings (1)

The battles of War of the Rohirrim will share much in common with those seen in Jackson’s Lord of the Rings. Not only will some be set at Helm’s Deep, just as in The Two Towers, but many of the participants in Rohan’s earlier conflicts will be the same as in the Battle of Pelennor Fields in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Helm’s primary enemy, the Dunlendings, will ultimately join forces with the Corsairs of Umbar (the pirates Aragorn’s Dead Men of Dunharrow defeated) and the Easterlings (the villainous tribes of Men from the mysterious East). Perhaps we could even see the return of the Oliphaunts in War of the Rohirrim.

1 War Of The Rohirrim Will Likely Reference Sauron’s Growing Influence

Sauron is under the radar during War of the Rohirrim, but he still has some influence.

War of the Rohirrim will take place after Isildur cut the One Ring from Sauron’s hand and before Bilbo steals the weapon from Smeagol. Therefore, Sauron will not yet be a significant concern for the kingdoms of Middle-earth. However, this isn’t to say the Dark Lord’s evil influence didn’t have an effect on Rohan. It’s implied in The Lord of the Rings that discourse between kingdoms finds its roots in Sauron’s growing darkness, with the very nature of his evil leading to corruption and war. Even 183 before the events of Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, the characters of War of the Rohirrim will be able to feel the foreboding evil of what is to come.

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