
What Happened On Every Day In A Quiet Place

The following contains spoilers A Quiet Place: Day One, now playing in theaters


  • The A Quiet Place series showcases humanity’s response to Death Angels on Earth, with Day One focusing on two survivors in NYC.
  • The films’ timeline spans under 20 months, revealing human adaptation and discovery of ways to fight back against the creatures.
  • Key moments include the alien’s arrival, the Abbott family’s losses, and Regan discovering a weakness in the aliens, which could set up future stories.

The complete timeline A Quiet Place reveals how quickly humanity had to try and readjust to the new circumstances caused by the Death Angels and their presence on Earth. Across the course of three films, The Quiet Place series has showcased the immediate aftermath of the aliens coming to Earth. This particular window of time is the focus of A Quiet Place: Day One, which focuses on two survivors in New York City in the immediate aftermath of the Quiet Place aliens arriving on Earth.

The rest of the series so far takes place over the course of under twenty months, highlighting the ways that humanity has responded and adjusted to the Death Angels. By the end of the current Quiet Place timeline, they’ve even discovered a means of fighting back at the creatures — albeit only after losing several loved ones to the ferocious creatures. Here’s the entire timeline of the A Quiet Place series of films, and how they all fit together.


How Scary & Violent A Quiet Place: Day One Is Compared To The Previous Movies

A Quiet Place: Day One is a solid entry to the series, and here’s how it compares to the scares and violence of the previous films.

Day 1

The Aliens Arrive

As seen in A Quiet Place: Day One and teased in the opening sequence of A Quiet Place II, the aliens crashed into Earth and quickly decimated the human population. Dubbed “Death Angels” in-universe, countless lives are lost in the initial invasion. Efforts by the military fail to turn the tide.

The military even isolates the survivors by destroying the bridges ot Manhattan, hoping to contain the aliens. Despite the dangerous nature of the aliens, some humans (such as the Abbott family in upstate New York, as well as Sam and Henri in downtown New York City) are able to survive the initial slaughte. They also figure out how the blind Death Angels track prey through sound.

Day 2

Sam Meets Eric

Sam (Lupita Nyong'o) with her cat meets Eric (Joseph Quinn) in an alley, hiding from the chaos in A Quiet Place: Day One
Image via Paramount Pictures

Afflicted with cancer, Sam decides she doesn’t want to wait to be killed, especially after her hospice nurse Reuban dies turning off an emergency generator that attracted Death Angels. Sam instead ventures out to into the city to enjoy one of the “last” slices of pizza alongside her cat Frodo. Meanwhile, Henri and his family move towards a planned evacuation via local ferrys. The Death Angels attack the crowds trying to reach the ferrys, with Sam barely escaping. Frodo comes across another survivor, Eric, who Sam reluctantly allows to accompany her back to her apartment to sleep.

Day 3

Sam & Eric Go On The Hunt For Pizza

Eric and Sam run through NYC in A Quiet Place Day One still

Sam and Eric move through New York City, doing their best to avoid the Death Angels. A number of close calls end with the pair (along with Frodo) being forced to move through the flooded New York subway. Reaching a church that’s become a makeshift sanctuary from the Death Angels, the pair rest. Sam is hindered by her illness, forcing Eric and Frodo to head out into the night to locate medicine. Although he has a very close brush with the Death Angels, Eric successfully returns with the medicine and Sam recovers enough to move.


A Quiet Place: Day One Ending Explained

A Quiet Place: Day One ends with a major character decision and some hope. We break down the biggest aspects of the prequel’s ending & what it means.

Day 4

Sam & Eric’s Final Day Together

Sam (Lupita Nyong'o) tends to a wound while Eric (Joseph Quinn) looks at a map in A Quiet Place: Day One
Image via Paramount Pictures

Eric and Sam make their way to the pizza place, which is revealed to have been burnt down. However, the pair find another notable location from Sam’s past (the jazz bar her father once placed at), and enjoy their time together. Sam ultimately convinces Eric to try and reach the ferrys before they depart. Sam stays behind, creating a distraction so that Eric and Frodo can reach the same boat carrying Henri and his family to safety. Sam walks through the city and allows herself to be taken by a Death Angel in the ending of A Quiet Place: Day One.

Day 89

Beau Abbott Dies After Trip To Town

A collage of John Krasinski and Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place

The Abbott family — Evelyn, Lee, their daughter Regan, and their sons Marcus and Beau — survive the inital chaos by adjusting to new lives on a farm in upstate New York. The opening scene of A Quiet Place sees them venturing into a nearby town for supplies. While there, Beau ends up enamored with a toy rocket.

Despite the warnings of his father and the efforts of his sister, Beau makes too much noise with the toy. This ends up attracting the attention of a Death Angel. The creature quickly kills Beau, forcing the Abbott family to move on without him.

Day 472

The Abbotts Live Their Lives

Aerial shot of the Abbott family holding hands before dinner in A Quiet Place- Day One Official trailer
Image via Paramount Pictures

Over the next year, the Abbott family are revealed to have fully adjusted to their new circumstances. The farm has proven a successful haven for the family, who have tried to move on after the death of Beau. Evelyn is also pregnant, forcing the family to prepare for the inevitable challenges of having a crying infant in an environment where any sounds can be a death sentence. The Death Angels are still a very present danger, killing some of the other few remaining neighbors the Abbotts have left.


A Quiet Place’s Prequel Movie Is Putting The Previous Movies’ Aliens To Shame

The second trailer for the horror franchise prequel A Quiet Place: Day One showcases how the movie’s alien monsters outdo the previous two movies.

Day 473

Baby Abbott Is Born As Aliens Attack

Evelyn hides from alien creatures in a bathtub in A Quiet Place

Much of A Quiet Place takes place during Day 473 and 474. While Lee takes Marcus on a fishing trip and Regan visits Beau’s grave, Evelyn unexpectedly goes into labor early. In her pain, she makes a minor noise which attracts the nearby Death Angels. Her warnings successfully draw the attention of the rest of the family, however, who rush to try and assist her. Evelyn successfully gives birth to an unnamed child, and barely evades the Death Angels.

Day 474

Lee Abbott Dies Saving His Family

A monster climbing on a truck in A Quiet Place
The monster in A Quiet Place.

While Evelyn struggles to remain hidden from the Death Angels, her family attempts to make their way back to their home. Along the way, Death Angels also track Lee, Marcus, and Regan. Wounded during the efforts to reach Evelyn, Lee sacrifices himself so Regan and Marcus can make it back to their mother. Having discovered the feedback from her hearing aid can hurt the Death Angels, Regan is able to discover a weakness the humans can exploit. This allows Evelyn to kill the ones that are attacking them in A Quiet Place‘s ending.

Day 476

The Abbots Find Emmett

Emily Blunt and Cillian Murphy in A Quiet Place 2 Edited

Much of A Quiet Place II takes place in the direct aftermath of the first film. With the farm house damaged beyond repair, the Abbotts head out on foot to find other survivors. Their journey leaves Marcus injured, but they are able to find their old friend Emmett in a steel mill he’s refashioned into a home.

Regan heads out to find other survivors. Emmett reluctantly joins her, saving her from raiders and helping procure a boat. Meanwhile, Evelyn ventures out on her own to get medical supplies, while Marcus and his infant sibling become trapped in the mill.

Day 477

Regan Finds A Way To Fight Back

Regan and the monster in Quiet Place 2

At the steel mill, Evelyn returns in time to save Marcus and her baby. However, they are cornered by a Death Angel. Regan and Emmett reach an island sanctuary, free of the Death Angels. There, they meet Henri. When a Death Angel successfully follows them and attacks the island, Henri helps the pair find a local radio tower. Although Henri is killed, Regan is able to use the radio tower to amplify her hearing aid. The sound proves debilitating to the Death Angels, even through a radio broadcast.

Hearing it over Emmett’s radio at the mill, Marcus is able to stop and kill the Death Angel attacking them. At the same time, Regan kills the Death Angel at the island sanctuary, saving Emmett. This is the ending of A Quiet Place II, setting up a future where the humans know how to fight back against the alien creatures. This could set up all sorts of directions for future entries in The Quiet Place series.

A Quiet Place Franchise Poster

A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place is a film franchise that centers on a post-apocalyptic Earth following an alien invasion by ruthless creatures that are blind but have unparalleled hearing. Beginning with the first film in 2018, the core plot surrounds the Abbott family, who use sign language to communicate with each other in a world where an errant sound can mean death.

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