
Warwickshire councillors to discuss local authority merger plan

The cabinet will be asked to vote to allow council leader Izzi Seccombe and chief executive Monica Fogarty to file Warwickshire’s plan in line with the rationale.

There are 257 councillor seats across the six councils and, while some are held by “twin-hatter” councillors who serve at both levels, the county expects there to be 80-120 seats on a single council or 100-128 across two.

The rationale also looks at Warwickshire’s economic relationship with neighbouring Coventry, whose city council is a full member of the WMCA.

Warwickshire council is a non-constituent member, with less power but also less financial obligation.

“Full membership of the West Midlands Combined Authority appears the logical option in terms of maintaining the critical Coventry and Warwickshire economic geography,” the report said.

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