
the use of color in "Her" is just genius

I'll begin by saying that this movie is absolutely one of the most beautiful films ive ever seen. The bright colors (red, orange, yellow and green) have such an impact on the vibe of the film. With that said, Theo wears ALOT of red and orange colors. Similarly, the OS1 primary color is a bright orange which matches his shirt in the posted frame. Colors like red and pink symbolize love, and In this case, the start of Theodore and Samanthas romantic journey. Theodore continues to wear these bright orange/red shirts during the "Honeymoon phase" (as Theodore calls it) of their relationship. It signifies a healthy beginning to true love.

However, as we dive into the issues that Theo and Sam face, he wears more neutral colors such as pale blue and white. When Sams prostitute shows up, Theo is wearing a white shirt. In this moment Theo is extremely uncomfortable, as he is being asked to have sex with someone hes never met by his computer girlfriend. This ultimately causes a pretty deep split between the two, probably the biggest we see in the whole movie aside from the breakup.

Although It is a pretty obvious detail, the color usage is a very nice touch in my opinion. I love that colors symbolize the strength and status of Theo and Sams relationship as the movie plays on.

submitted by /u/soviet_turd

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