Rescue: HI-Surf Exclusive Sneak Peek: Chaos On The Beach!

A lot of accidents happen in open water.

The lifeguards on Rescue: HI-Surf see a fair amount of action on a shift, and oftentimes, it requires a few of them working together to make a save or tend to an injured beachgoer.

In this exclusive clip from Rescue: HI-Surf Season 1 Episode 17, Laka, Kainalu, and Hina work together to rescue a man hit by another man and safely bring both men, along with a child, to shore.


We don’t see the events leading up to the emergency, but it seems clear there was a collision of some sort.

The man Laka and Kainalu pull from the water is unconscious, and the other man is nursing some internal injuries.

Laka and Kainalu quickly get the man to shore, but things take an ugly turn from there.

There are a lot of fights on this series when you really think about it, and that will be the case during this hour when the worried dad comes to blows with the other injured man the lifeguards pull from the water.


It’s a wild scene and a potentially dangerous one, as the other man looks to be injured before he’s punched both in the face and the stomach.

Hopefully, the man isn’t injured more than we see, but it looks like a scary scene!

Elsewhere during this busy hour, we’ll see Em and Will teaming up for a rescue while Em deals with her mother outside of work.

Cindy’s re-emergence in Em’s life was going well until the end of Rescue: HI-Surf Season 1 Episode 16, when Cindy’s boyfriend and his son showed up unexpectedly.


It seemed like right when Em and Cindy were getting somewhere, Cindy did something you could see just devastated her daughter, and we’ll see the continuation of that storyline play out here.

We’ll also see Sonny and Ocean working on their relationship since she moved out of her parents and into her boyfriend’s house, as well as Hina’s burgeoning jealousy over Kainalu’s new relationship.

Hina likes Kainalu but is not ready to admit it to herself.

If his relationship with Rosie does take off, it’ll put her in an awkward position since they’re both her friends.


Will she continue to support them? Or will she let her jealousy get the best of her?

And will she meet someone herself to distract her from the current state of her love life?

There are many questions about the Hina/Kainalu/Rosie love triangle and even more questions concerning everything else going on!

We only have a handful of episodes left in Rescue: HI-Surf Season 1, so you won’t want to miss this hour!


Make sure to check out the clip below, and leave your thoughts about the rescue and what you’re excited to see coming up!              

As always, come right here after the hour, as we’ll have a full review of the hour.

So come on back so we can discuss!

You can watch Rescue: HI-Surf on FOX at 9/8c on Mondays.

Watch Rescue HI: Surf Online


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