Yooka-Laylee released 8 years ago as of this year, back when the Nintendo Switch was just released. Coincidentally a remastered and enhanced version of the game, Yooka Replaylee, will be launching during the first year of the Switch successor console’s availability. It is releasing on the PlayStation 5, PC and Xbox Series X/S as well, but it coming to the Switch 2 has notably made Yooka-Replaylee one of the first Switch 2 games announced that is not a first-party title from Nintendo.
That said, the game hasn’t had a lot of news since October of last year. Today’s Kinda Funny Showcase, however, changed that. A new trailer featuring an explanation and showcase of the game’s gameplay was revealed. The game is still slated for a 2025 release, so no specific release date has been given yet. Nevertheless, you can see the new trailer down below.
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