Miles Morales is the Best Spider-Man to Take On Venom


  • Miles Morales has better anti-Venom abilities than Peter Parker as Spider-Man, thanks to his evolving Spider-Sense and specialized moves like the Venom-Sword.
  • Miles can prepare for Venom in ways that Peter can’t, naturally walking into encounters with the knowledge and readiness to combat him.
  • Giant-Size Spider-Man #1, by Cody Ziglar and others, delves into the team-up between Miles Morales’ Spider-Man and Dylan Brock’s Venom, showcasing Miles’ superiority in fighting the formidable enemy.

Warning: Spoilers for Giant-Size Spider-Man #1!Peter Parker has been surpassed by Miles Morales as the best Spider-Man to take on Venom. Dating as far back as The Amazing Spider-Man #300 in 1988, the Wall-cCawler and the Lethal Protector have waged war with each other. Venom has proven to rank among one of Peter’s toughest adversaries, especially when his Spider-Sense can’t detect Venom. Plus, the fact that Peter is a former host to the Venom symbiote makes their rivalry all the more personal.

Miles Morales, though, need not worry about any of the drawbacks of fighting Venom, as seen in Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 by Cody Ziglar, Iban Coello, Guru-eFX, and VC’s Joe Caramagna. To take on a common enemy in the form of Black Obsidian, Miles Morales’ Spider-Man and Dylan Brock’s Venom have an unexpected team-up.

Unfortunately, this team-up goes south as soon as Venom gets a little too violent with their goons. A fight ensues, but Miles is able to showcase exactly what makes him a better candidate to fight Venom in the future.

Miles Morales’ Has the Better Anti-Venom Abilities as Spider-Man

Dylan Brock Venom meets Miles Morales Spider-Man

As mentioned before, Peter Parker’s biggest weakness as Spider-Man against Venom is his Spider-Sense. Because he was bonded to that symbiote long ago, he can’t sense when Venom is coming in his direction, making him an easy target. Miles, on the other hand, despite never meeting Dylan before, feels his Spider-Sense “doing backflips” whenever the symbiote is near. He even recognizes it exactly as the Venom symbiote moments before Venom bursts onto the scene. By the same sword, Miles’s Spider-Sense is constantly evolving in ways that it never has for Peter and in ways that Venom simply can’t prepare for.

Speaking of swords, Miles’ newfound Venom-Sword (along with his usual Venom-Blast) both come in handy during this fight against Venom, causing insurmountable damage to the symbiote. Although the name is incidental and coincidental, it’s practically as if these two moves were made just for fighting Venom. Of course, as is the drawback in any fight, Miles can’t use his Venom abilities for too long without draining his energy. But even that’s a better weakness to have than not being able to sense a Venom attack incoming.

Miles Morales Can Prepare for Venom in Ways Peter Parker Can’t

Miles Morales Spider-Man uses Venom Saber on Dylan Brock

Obviously, after years of fighting Venom, none of this is to say that Peter Parker is some kind of slouch or inadequate at what he does. It just means that, while every fight with Venom is a struggle for someone who starts out with multiple disadvantages over Venom, Miles starts with several advantages over the brute. Miles walks into any unexpected encounter with Venom knowing what he’s walking into without even necessarily needing to prepare. Miles Morales is the Spider-Man who is naturally prepared for Venom.

Giant-Size Spider-Man

is on sale now from Marvel Comics.

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