
Matt LeBlanc Praised For Post-Friends Career Choices

One popular comment reads: “So refreshing seeing someone really not caring about chasing more and more fame. Just chilling with his friend’s cheques rolling in.”

“I love that Matt Le Blanc knows he has had the fame, earned the money and now can enjoy it and does not still seek the limelight. We would all be the same if we had enough money,” somebody else echoed.

Another wrote: “He’s a rarity in that he is sated; his cup runneth over; he is CONTENT. No need for more fame, more money, more awards, more accolades. God love this man.”

One more added: “Refreshing to see the exact opposite of all the hustle videos.”

Others admitted that they would do the exact same in his situation, with one writing: “If I was told I could do 12 years of work and [be] a millionaire so I could nothing then hell yeah.”

“If I had the money Friends actors have – assuming they managed it well – you’d never see me again,” one more quipped, while somebody else wrote: “Work for 12 years and be done with it sounds nice.”

Somebody else concluded: “He is describing freedom.”

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