Marvel Studios Rumored to Want a Sony Marvel Character For The MCU, Plus Insights into Animation and Live-Action Blending — GeekTyrant

Marvel Studios has been trying to push the boundaries of storytelling by exploring the Multiverse concept, which fans were initially excited about. While some may have grown indifferent to the Multiverse, Marvel remains committed to weaving an intricate narrative that will ultimately culminate in the highly anticipated Avengers: Secret Wars.

In a recent rumor that has surfaced, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige reportedly wants to incorporate a Sony Marvel character into the MCU. Additionally, there are other details shared about how animation and live-action will blend seamlessly in future MCU projects.

According to scooper @Cryptic4KQual, Feige has his sights set on introducing a villain from Sony’s Spider-Man Universe into the MCU. The rumor doesn’t specify which character this might be, leaving fans to speculate about the possibilities. However, it’s mentioned that this character will play “a cool but disheartening role.”

One popular theory circulating among fans is that this character could be Venom. The prospect of Venom crossing over into the MCU would not only allow for thrilling encounters with established Marvel heroes but also raise questions about how this character’s dynamic with the MCU’s established characters would unfold. The post-credits scene of Spider-Man: No Way Home did feature Tom Hardy’s Venom unknowingly leaving behind a piece of the Venom Symbiote in the MCU. So, that’s a real possibility.

While the concept of the Multiverse has been explored in various Marvel properties, including the Disney+ series Loki and the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, @Cryptic4KQual’s information suggests a unique twist on how characters will navigate between different realities.

It’s explained: “The Multiverse’s dynamic nature will see characters seamlessly transitioning between animated and live-action forms as teased in [Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Any characters that make a jump to another [universe] [will] become whatever the state of matter is in that universe and adopt [its] likeness.”

As an example, the scooper references the character Prowler from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. In this case, Donald Glover‘s portrayal of Prowler appeared in live-action rather than animation because the character was trapped in a cage by Spider-Man 2099, allowing him to retain his original form. So, I assume this means if we see any animated characters make the leap to live-action in the next Avengers movies, they’ll become live-action.

We’ve actually already seen this in Multiverse of Madness with the animated versions of Professor X and Captain Carter in their live action forms.

As Marvel Studios continues to expand its storytelling canvas, we still aren’t sure what to expect from the future of the MCU. Fans are just hoping that the overall quality of the films will improve.

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