
MARVEL RIVALS Trailer Shows Off New Game Mode That Celebrates The Spring Festival — GeekTyrant

Marvel Rivals has exploded in popularity since it launched last month. The game features an array of heroes and villains from Marvel, and it’s so much fun to play! I wish I had more time to play!

We’ve got a new trailer to share with you and it shows off a new game mode in celebration of the Spring Festival giving gamers a way to celebrate the Chinese event.

The Spring Festival Clash of Dancing Lions game mode features gameplay similar to Rocket League and Overwatch’s LucioBall. Teams consist of three players, and gamers can choose between Iron Fist, Starlord, and Black Widow.

Players must work together to take a Spring Festival-themed ball to the opposing side of the court and score. Each player can use their character’s abilities to try and score a goal while protecting their own.

In Marvel Rivals, “The merciless clash between tyrannical dictator Doctor Doom and his future counterpart from the year 2099 has forced countless universes to collide in the Timestream Entanglement, creating new worlds and crises unknown.

“Now, Super Heroes and Villains from across the multiverse must fight together and against one another as disparate groups each seek to best both Dooms before one achieves domination of these realities. Familiar faces become newfound foes while former enemies become the greatest of allies in Marvel Rivals!”

In the game, you can battle as your favorite super heroes and villains in unique worlds across the Marvel Multiverse. Players can create new ways to play with all new and iconic team-up abilities.

You can face off in heroic fast-paced 6×6 combat. You can also reshape famous Marvel locations with dynamic environmental destruction.

The event is scheduled to begin on January 23, at 1 AM PST. No word has been given for how long the event will run.

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