
love lori petty post… saw Tank Girl 1995 last night at a midnight screening… first time… then something cool happened…

one of the things about being a movie fan and living in LA is so many old film/revival theaters screenings.. last night no exception… and one of the best things is sometimes actors just happen to show up to see their old films or other people's films…

so i went to see TANK GIRL 1995 at the new beverly cinema (it's a theater owned by tarantino) and they screen all types of mostly classic or older films every day. only on film not digital. tarantino is a stickler for that. saturday are their midnight screenings.

when the guy who introduces the movie asks the audience who is seeing it for the first time, a bunch of hands go up including mine.

then some woman in the audience yells out "what you havent seen it?" and she runs up to the host legitimately scaring him. he had no idea… and it was Lori Petty… was so great… she came with her sister to see it and they were just there. looked like she was intending to be incognito but when she saw how many hadn't seen it before she just jumped up.

so funny… and endearing and sweet… she was so nice and stayed to watch even the credits and even did a few selfies with people outside…

you often get actors coming for q&a stuff but this wasn't that… just her and sis going out to a movie… just happened to be hers.

i got to tell her was my first time and loved it..

seriously i dont know how i missed this.. it's so down my alley…

submitted by /u/dvsinla

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