Looking for movies with vibes similar to Chernobyl and Pripyat, set in a modern period. That cold grey winter vibe, with dead trees and snow, old Eastern Bloc buildings, brutalist/Stalinist architecture, abandoned Soviet places, nuclear facilities etc..

Chernobyl Diaries is a perfect example, but it doesn't have to be a horror. It can be any genre, i'm just not looking for documentaries, WW2 or Cold War movies. I'm looking for a modern setting with post-Soviet vibes, so any period after 1991.

If you played Call Of Duty 4, you may remember the All Ghillied Up mission and maps like Vacant, Bloc or Pipeline. S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro games are also another good examples.

But it doesn't necessarily have to be about Chernobyl or Pripyat. It can be either Russia, Ukraine, or any other Eastern European and Soviet country. As long as it's modern and has those vibes of grey, cold, winter, snow, dead trees, brutalist/Stalinist architecture, abandoned Soviet buildings, nuclear power plants, old Cold War facilities etc..If you google images of Russian Doomer you can see a lot of buildings like these.

Edit: Studly_Wonderballs suggested me The Decalogue and the vibes are very similar to what i had in mind. Thanks for all the suggestions, keep them coming, i'll check out all of them.

This picture perfectly sums up my mood and what i'm looking for, and this music to go along with it:


submitted by /u/CoolNickname2222

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