Lisa Calls Whitney a Liar Amid Fight Over Rumor

Lisa Calls Whitney a Liar Amid Fight Over Rumor

Despite recent shake-ups within the friend group, Angie has decided to “make them an offer they can’t refuse.”  She is inviting them all to her 25th wedding anniversary.  As a nod to the accusation that Angie is part of the Greek mafia, the theme will be, of course, mob wives.  Nothing screams love quite like a mob-themed party, amiright? But Angie’s attempt to bring them all together again on this episode of The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City ends in disaster as Lisa unravels on Whitney

Lisa is shocked to be invited to Angie’s anniversary party, considering she hasn’t spoken to Angie since Milwaukee.  Lisa is tired of Angie talking sh*t about her behind her back and calls their relationship a “mind f*ck.” Lisa is unsure if she will be attending the party, but becomes sidetracked since she is able to FaceTime Jack on his mission in Colombia. Jack has done every test out there to try and figure out his health issues, but luckily many bad things have already been ruled out.

Whitney and Meredith meet, despite Meredith’s reservations after being wrongfully attacked and accused.  Whitney jumps right in to apologize for claiming Meredith was the one who dragged her jewelry line.  Since Milwaukee, Whitney has realized that the person who is trying to hurt her is Lisa.

Meredith doesn’t buy it, but Whitney is adamant.  Ever since Whitney went on that podcast and talked about Lisa, she claims Lisa has been seeking revenge.  Lisa is the one who planted the jewelry line, according to Whitney’s “verbal source,” but Meredith is not ready to rally behind Whitney based on her “evidence.”

Mary has been having some issues with Robert, Jr. since his “wife” came into his life. He doesn’t listen to Mary the way he used to, but she is grateful that he is still living home so she can keep an eye on him. Mary reminds Robert that she is having guests, so he should try not to re-appear.  LOL. 

It turns out that guests is Bronwyn, who enters carrying the biggest orchid plant ever to exist. Bronwyn has felt a connection with Mary since day one, based on their fashion and design sense (if you call it that).  Bronwyn explains how Lisa is close friends with her daughter’s grandparents, but her daughter does not have a relationship with said grandparents.  Mary shares that her son has never met his grandparents, either.  Mary goes on to share that she is not close to her mother and advises that you always have to be real with your kids, especially since she is having a hard time with Robert lately.

Regarding Angie’s party, Bronwyn is “on the cusp of being done with the bullsh*t.”  She can’t get over how Heather repeated what Angie said about Lisa TO Lisa.  Lisa is p*ssed about it and rightly so- calling someone a bad mom is a low blow!  Mary refers to Heather as two-faced, because why would Heather do that?  According to Mary, “Heather leads with lies.”  Bronwyn explains that Angie should know that Lisa is mad at her and wonders if she should let Lisa know sooner than later…

It is the day of Angie’s mafia anniversary party and Whitney is not thrilled to be seeing Lisa.  She plans to stay far away from her…  Angie’s father and aunt are the first to arrive.  As the guests trickle in, there are more furs than one can count, and yes, that includes Meredith’s boots with the fur.  Speaking of Meredith, she was almost cut from the guest list if Shawn had his way. After the havoc she pulled last year, Shawn did not want to invite her, but Angie sees it as a fresh start. Now wait until Angie sees Meredith’s confessional where she shades the “family…”

Meredith urges Whitney to talk to Lisa and “get that done.”  Meredith does not like being in the middle of Whitney and Lisa’s issues, but it’s a little awkward to bring it up here and now.  Speaking of awkward, Angie and Lisa are still in a weird spot.  Despite it all, Angie is happy that Lisa showed up.  When Britani arrives, she is with a date, and NO, it is NOT Jared Osmond, despite what Mary believes.  It’s Aaron, a guy who happens to be Heather’s friend.  Heather overshares that she made out with Aaron a few years back, making things slightly uncomfortable for all involved.

But not as uncomfortable as Mary calling Aaron, Jared…to his face…and then insisting so confidently to Meredith that Britani arrived with Jared.  It’s a hilarious moment brought to you by Mary Cosby.

Angie makes a speech about still standing 25 years later, despite rumors and nastiness. It’s a sweet moment when Angie’s dad makes a toast, but things take a turn shortly after.  Bronwyn seeks out Angie so she can be honest with her.  Bronwyn asks Angie if she made a comment about Lisa’s parenting to Heather. Bronwyn explains that Heather starts little fires and then backs away.  When Angie says she doesn’t appreciate Heather doing that, Bronwyn smirks like she is so proud to be delivering this news. Bronwyn believes everyone should pay for what they say.

Britani steals herself away from making out with Aaron (not Jared) to talk to Lisa.  Lisa explains that Britani needed to break up with Jared due to his manipulation.  When Mary comes over, Lisa lets her know that she didn’t like that Mary went so hard on Heather the other day.  But Mary doesn’t like that Heather is leaving trails of lies everywhere she stops. 

Heather meanders over and drops the f bomb on Mary upon hearing she has been called a liar. Mary warns Heather not to push her. Once Mary gets it all out, a group hug is suggested, but Mary would rather sit on a couch with 12 year olds than make physical contact with Lisa and Heather.

Angie finds Heather to get to the bottom of what Bronwyn told her. Heather feels like something is shifting in Angie and she no longer has Lisa’s back.  Heather claims to love and support Angie, but she is taking everything Angie is saying to Lisa. Angie storms over to Bronwyn and Heather questions why Bronwyn would be getting in her relationship with Angie. Bronwyn doesn’t like that Heather thinks she is in charge and can “manage” everyone’s relationships. Heather lets Bronwyn know that she is out of line, and wonders how Angie can trust Bronwyn’s feedback.

Because this party isn’t messy enough, enter Jaren Osmond.  Mary’s head just about explodes when she sees the REAL Jared and Britani looks like she just saw a ghost.  Whitney admits that her husband, Justin, invited Jared an hour ago and claims Justin did not know what he was stirring up.  LIES. And, for a man invited an hour ago, Jared cleans up quite well.

Lisa jazzes Britani up and off they go to confront him.  Lisa begins with, “hi, we’re shocked to see you,” and Britani immediately brings Jared out for a private convo.  In the end, Jared says he came because he missed Britani and the rest is unclear…however, I am happy to see that Aaron is un-phased by circus.

Speaking of circus, Whitney pulls Lisa and confronts her about being the one who planted the story about Whitney’s jewelry line.  Lisa denies this and demands to know who claims Lisa is responsible because she is going to sue them.  Lisa tells Whitney she needs to STFU about it. She proceeds to phone her private security so they can “go the distance” to cyber investigate the situation since she is being accused of something she did not do. Lisa goes as far as demanding to have the LA and Salt Lake police involved and shows that she will call in real detectives, not “Whitney Drew.”

Whitney feels like Lisa’s reaction proves her guilt; however, Lisa lets Whitney know she owes her an apology and that Lisa will be sending her a bill.  Lisa storms around and runs to Justin, asking how he could be married to Whitney since she is a liar.  Justin does not take this well and begins to yell at Lisa, which in turn makes Lisa’s husband step in, and now we’ve got a real fight on our hands.  Why not end the party with one final brawl? To be continued…


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