
Kristina Brooks named Baldwin County’s only superintendent finalist

Noris Price, the current superintendent, will retire on June 30. Their next choice served as a superintendent at Chattahoochee County School District.

BALDWIN COUNTY, Ga. — Baldwin County Schools has named its only finalist for the next superintendent.

Kristina “Kristie” Brooks, the Chattahoochee County School District’s superintendent, was named the sole finalist for the position in Baldwin County. She will replace current superintendent Noris Price when she retires on June 30.

Brooks has been with Chattahoochee County for the past six years. According to a release from the Baldwin County School District, the county has seen an increase in graduation rate, expanded career and technical education programs, improved student achievement and put plans in place to grow the school fiscally and its infrastructure.

“Selecting a superintendent is one of the most important decisions a school board makes,” Baldwin County Board of Education Chair Wes Cummings said. “After reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and considering multiple qualified candidates, we are confident in presenting Dr. Kristina Brooks as the best choice for the Baldwin County School District.”

According to her bio ahead of a panel on, Brooks helped Chattahoochee County Schools earn Exemplary Status from the Georgia School Board Association. The system also was recognized for the Leading-Edge Award for best practices in Culture and Climate, Communications, and Continuous Improvement. All three school levels were named as Military Flagship Schools, and the Georgia Department of Education named Chattahoochee County Elementary as a Literacy Leader School.

According to her “Superintendent’s Welcome” on the Chattahoochee County Schools’ website, she brings three goals as focus areas for her schools.

  • We value instructional practices that develop future-driven students to prepare them for life beyond school.

  • We value parent and community engagement.

  • We value serving our students and community through service-oriented leadership and practice.

According to this welcome page, and a letter she sent to the Baldwin County School Board, she looks for her teachers and students to challenge themselves, and to make sure each student is prepared for the future.

There will be a 14-day review period before the final vote is held to determine if Brooks is officially chosen for the position. While she’ll have to wait before officially being announced as the superintendent, Brooks is excited to take the Baldwin County School System to new heights.

“I am fueled by a deep passion for ‘dreaming big’ for our students and community,” Brooks said. “I believe every child deserves an education that opens doors to opportunities, and I am committed to ensuring Baldwin County Schools continue to set the bar high.”

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