Jennifer Lopez Defended Amid Commercial Flight Ridicule

Jennifer Lopez Defended Amid Commercial Flight Ridicule

It is fair to say that 2024 hasn’t been the best year for Jennifer Lopez.

And less than a month later, Jen has faced widespread ridicule after she was pictured flying commercial for a two-hour-and-twenty-minute flight from Naples to Paris.

Over on X, one user posted a screenshot of TMZ’s headline and the photo of Jen in a viral tweet that simply reads: “IM FUCKING CRYING.” It has been seen more than 12 million times since it was shared on Tuesday, and gained tens of thousands of likes and retweets.

While another user wrote: “So if she’s too rich, we hate her because she’s acting too rich but she suddenly rides a normal flight, does a human thing, and yall still hating??? What the fuck do y’all want from JLo.”

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