Jaws was released on this date in 1975, set the trend for "summer blockbusters", remains among my favorite Spielberg movies to date.


Just that "You need a bigger boat" scene, is enough to make this as one of my all time favorite movies ever. Remember the first time I saw this on screen, the shark making a sudden appearance, just was stunned. The editing, music, the camera work, everything just came together, for what was a "God moment".

The Man vs Creature genre, was mostly filled with B-Grade movies till then, barring a few like Hitchcock's Birds. Spielberg took Peter Benchley's original novel, and turned it into one of the most memorable movies ever.

What primarily puts the movie a notch higher than similiar movies in this genre, is the character development. Quint( Robert Shaw) the fisherman, an Ahab like character, obsessed with hunting the shark down. Martin Brody( Roy Scheider), the cop, whose main job is to protect the people from the shark, and often ends up a target of their ire for failing to do so. And Matt Hooper( Richard Dreyfuss), the brains behind the mission, who knows all about sharks. It helps that these three are great actors by themselves, though Shaw steals the show.

It's the way these characters are developed, their interactions that really elevate the movie, you really care about them, especially Quint, inspite of his stubborn, often pig headed attitude. You find him frustrating, but when he gives that monologue of being a survivor in the USS Indianapolis event, and having to face sharks, you know where he is comming from.

Also one of the most iconic movie scores ever by John Williams, that just makes it even more scary, especially when you watch it on big screen, with the sound blasting out of speakers.

submitted by /u/LoneWolfIndia

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