
Gigantamax Kingler counters, weakness, and battle tips in Pokémon Go

Gigantamax Kingler is the seventh Gigantamax Pokémon introduced to Pokémon Go, and is available in Max Battles as part of the Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day on Feb. 1 from 2-5 p.m. in your local time.

Like all the other Gigantamax Battles, Kingler will be challenging, so players who aren’t ready for the spike in difficulty are going to have a tough time.

Below, we list out some general Gigantamax Max Battle tips and counters for Gigantamax Kingler in Pokémon Go.

Gigantamax Kingler weakness

We’ll want to utilize Gigantamax Kingler’s weaknesses: grass-, and electric-type moves. At this point, there’s a nice spread of Pokémon that you can use against it.

Kingler resists steel-, fire-, water-, and ice-type moves, so we don’t recommend using those offensively, with the exception of using fast moves to build up the max gauge.

Gigantamax Kingler best counters

With the above in mind, there’s quite a few counters to bring to Kingler. We recommend the following to focus on offensive moves:

Kingler can possibly use X-Scissor, which will deal increased damage against Rillaboom, so we recommend using the other counters, if possible.

If you want to be an ally to your team, you can bring the following Pokémon with Max Guard and/or Max Spirit to help our defensively:

These moves will allow you to build up the max gauge quickly; they resist most of, if not all of, Kingler’s possible moves. (Yes, Venusaur can dish out some good DPS while also serving as a tank.)

Even if you don’t have these powered up, consider just bringing the strongest Dynamax Pokémon you have. If you have a maxed out Dynamax Gengar and your Dynamax Venusaur isn’t leveled (and you don’t have the means to power it up), just bring your Gengar.

General Gigantamax Kingler tips

If you’ve been struggling in Max Battles, here’s some general tips to survive — and make sure you’re an asset to your team. Gigantamax battles involve way more strategy than the usual rampant tapping that you do in raids, so make sure to know what you’re doing before jumping in.

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