Get over 300 games for $8 with this bundle to benefit Palestine

Over 300 creators have come together to offer a bundle of their work to benefit relief efforts for Palestine. The Palestine Relief Bundle costs just $8 and includes a collection of digital games, tabletop role-playing systems, and other cool stuff. All proceeds from this bundle will be donated to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF), a more than 30-year-old registered non-profit organization that describes itself as “the primary humanitarian organization in Palestine, delivering crucial and life-saving medical relief where it is needed most.”

This massive bundle features an eccentric collection of over 300 titles from indie developers, but we’ve picked out a few that we think more than justify the $8 price tag.

A collection of over 300 Steam games, TTRPG systems, and other goodies to benefit Palestinian relief efforts.

At the top of the list is A Short Hike. This staple of the cozy game genre is exactly what it says on the box. Take an excursion through the woods of Hawk Peak Provincial Park. As you make your way towards the summit at your own pace, you’ll meet other hikers, collect treasure, and enjoy a chill soundtrack by Mark Sparling.

A Short Hike
Image: adamgryu

Coffee Talk is another fantastic cozy title that offers an interesting experience if you aren’t intimidated by a little reading. Presented in the style of a visual novel, you’ll make idle conversation with your customers, serve them hot beverages, and hotter gossip as you learn more about the drama that permeates their lives.

Coffee Talk
Image: Toge Productions

This bundle also features plenty of action-orientated titles like the retro-inspired vertical SHMUP, Zero Ranger, and the ultra-punishing platformer, They Bleed Pixels.

They Bleed Pixels
Image: Spooky Squid Games

While the Palestine relief bundle is largely composed of an eccentric collection of indie titles, you’ll also find plenty of interesting TTRPG systems, including one of our favorites from 2021, Gubat Banwa. The system is inspired by wuxia fiction, Filipino folklore, strategy games like Fire Emblem.

Gubat Banwa
Image: Joaquin Kyle Saavedra/Makapatag

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