
Fallout 4’s Huge Upcoming Conversion Mod Won’t Be Accessible To Many At Launch


  • Epic Games Store players may be disappointed as they won’t be able to access Fallout: London upon its launch due to compatibility issues with the new Fallout 4 patch.
  • Team FOLON had to delay the release of Fallout London indefinitely to ensure compatibility with Bethesda’s next-gen update for Fallout 4.
  • Players will need to downgrade their Fallout 4 version to play Fallout London, although an updated version for next-gen Fallout 4 may be released in the future.

Team FOLON’s highly anticipated, extremely ambitious, DLC-sized conversion mod for Fallout 4, Fallout London, may not be accessible to a group of PC players upon its launch. The mod was set to let players explore an apocalyptic version of the English capital with entirely new factions and quests and has attracted voice talent such as Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Asterion actor Neil Newbon, Final Fantasy 16‘s Anna Demetriou, and Doctor Who alumni Sylvester McCoy and Colin Baker, with many fans heralding it as being the closest they’ll get to a new Fallout installment any time soon, despite Bethesda Executive Producer Todd Howard previously stating that he currently has no official plans to take future Fallout games outside of the U.S.

Therefore, it will come as a disappointment to some that a spokesperson for the PC storefront that is set to distribute Fallout: London,, has told VG247 that the conversion mod will not be playable with copies of Fallout 4 purchased through the Epic Games Store when it first launches. While this will likely disappoint some players, it sounds like it’s due to situations outside of Team FOLON’s control at the moment.


Fallout London Mod Gameplay Trailer: 10 Biggest Takeaways

For the first time, the Fallout series is moving outside the United States via an impressive, sprawling Fallout 4 mod called Fallout London.

Fallout 4’s “Next-Gen” Update Impacted Fallout London

Players Will Have To Roll Back To An Earlier Version To Experience The Mod For Now

The release of Betheda’s official next-gen update for Fallout 4 “blindsided” the team at Team FOLON, with the studio due to release Fallout London just two days later. This resulted in the team delaying its launch indefinitely until it was tested to ensure the conversion mod worked with the new version of Fallout 4. Since then, Team FOLON has confirmed that “the end is in sight” as it partnered with GOG to conduct quality assurance on the mod and its installer.

To ensure a decent release of Fallout London, however, players will have to downgrade their copies of Fallout 4 to a version prior to the “next-gen” patch, stating that the current version of the game “isn’t stable enough.” Because of this, Epic Games Store players won’t be able to experience the mod. The GOG version of the game will offer “a very simple and convenient rollback feature,” and the team has confirmed that it is working on a downgrading tool that will allow those who own the game through Steam to play it as well, despite some frustrated players already creating similar mods after experiencing issues with Fallout 4 on PC following Bethesda’s update.

Unfortunately, Epic Games Store doesn’t support update rollbacks, which currently rules them out of receiving Fallout London. It should be noted that the team has also already indicated that it still plans to offer a version of the mod updated for next-gen Fallout 4 at some point further down the line, which will presumably work with Epic Games Store copies on the current version of the game. However, there’s no confirmation on how long this will take.

Source: VG247

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