Cult of the Lamb graphic novel kickstarter funded in 6 minutes

Crowdfunding season is back, and we’ve had some big successes of late – a collection of Daniel Warren Johnson art was funded in 27 minutes just last week – but Oni’s The Cult of the Lamb graphic novel has already shattered that record: it was fully funded in 6 minutes!

Granted, the funding was set pretty low (a mere $10K) but still….this is the first crowdfunder I recall being able to watch update in real time. 

@comixace Watching the Cult of the Lamb graphic novel kickstarter update in real time! #cultofthelamb #onipress #kickstarter ♬ Bad Feeling (Oompa Loompa) – Jagwar Twin

But the buzz around the game/graphic novel should come as no surprise. As Oni’s Hunter Gorinson announced at ComicsPRO, the social media buzz about this spin-off of the cult game went viral as soon as they began teasing it, and Lamb-aholics are continuing to talk about the grahpic novel, by Alek Paknadel and Troy Little, as the campaign rack up the pledges. As of this moment, it’a already up to $190,000 and should smash through $200K in no time. 

In case you haven’t caught the fever yet, Cult of the Lamp features fun gameplay in an Animal Crossing meets Cards Against Humanity milieu. Let’s be honest – cute little animals doing horrible things is an eternally appealing combo.

It’s also (old timer about to speak up) something of an Aughts throwback. If you were around then, you’ll recall that designer toy/apparel companies like Gama-GO pioneered the creepy-things-that-are-cute trend that lasts til this day – perhaps finding the clearest expression in the school of cute octopus art. 

Anyway, Cult of the Lamb is very much of the moment, and the Kickstarter will add to the lore with the comics and many extras:

Leading CULT OF THE LAMB’s quest to be forever ensconced into the annals of the comic book deviance is acclaimed writer Alex Paknadel (Image’s All Against All, Marvel’s Red Goblin) and Eisner Award-nominated artist Troy Little (Oni’s Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons, IDW’s Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas), who have battled both man and fate for the privilege of stewarding the Lamb’s first graphic chronicle. 

Also joining our flock: Throughout this 30-day carnival of orgiastic excess, you’ll discover – or see revealed before thy unbelieving eyes – new and exclusive contributions from many fellow followers of CULT OF THE LAMB’s intoxicating thrall, including CULT OF THE LAMB key artist and character designer Carles Dalmau (Soma), Eisner Award nominee Troy Little (Rick and Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons), acclaimed cover artist Juan Gedeon (DC: The Jurassic Age), and more yet to be unveiled.

And here’s the trailer once again: 


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