
Box Art Brawl – Duel: Star Fox 64

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let’s check out the box art designs themselves.

North America / Europe

Image: Nintendo / Launchbox

Talk about an iconic piece of artwork, eh? The Western design is all about space combat (makes sense, really), with Fox and his Arwing flying right towards us while ships and explosions dominate the background. It’s a slightly strange composition, looking at it now, but this image is so burned into our brains that we can’t help but love it.


Star Fox 64 - JP
Image: Nintendo / Launchbox

Wow, the Japanese design sure does cram a lot more in. The Arwing still takes centre stage, but this cover also showcases Fox and his crew outside their ships, running into action while the dogfight explodes behind them. We particularly like the looming Andross head peering out of the central flames, and the way that it’s all contained within a ‘Space Outlaw’ badge is pretty sweet, too. Oof, we’ve got some competition!

Thanks for voting! We’ll see you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.

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