
Batman H2SH gets 400,000 in orders for the first issue

batman h2sh 400000

The Beat has learned that the first issue of Batman H2SH, a sequel to the Jeph Loeb/Jim Lee classic, has more than 400,000 copies ordered. 

While normally we keep our sources private, in this case we can reveal that it was a post from DC Comics on BlueSky. 

Congratulations to Jeph Loeb,, Scott Williams,,, and our amazing variant cover artists for more than 400,000 copies ordered of BATMAN #158, chapter one of “H2SH”!

— DC ( 2025-03-06T23:27:34.611Z

Whoa! The World Without Sales Charts™ just got a bold new play! Actually announcing sales numbers complete with a graphic!

“Congratulations to Jeph Loeb,, Scott Williams,,, and our amazing variant cover artists,” the post reads, “for more than 400,000 copies ordered of BATMAN #158, chapter one of “H2SH”!”

Given the team, the strong work by all involved, and of course the status of the first Hush as an essential Batman tale, this is a good number. It matches that of 2024’s top periodical comic, Absolue Batman #1, which also sold more than 400,000 copies. Where does H2SH rank among 2025’s periodical comics thus far? Well, probably #1? We don’t know because we don’t have charts, only leaks and guesses. DC did announce that Absolute Batman #1 was the top comic of the year, but the 400,000 number came from an unverified leak. 

This announcement is a bold shot across the bow from DC. Throw in Image’s ongoing monthly sales rankings, and you can see that publishers are itching to get their success stories out there, by hook or by crook. It had been assumed that Marvel and DC were the most reticent to participate in any sales aggregations, but maybe more publishers will follow in Image’s wake and start touting their Top Tens. 

Hush 2 – now styled as H2SH – debuts as a six-issue arc in the regular Batman title, debuting on March 26th in Batman #158. A second six-issue arc in 2026 will finish the tale. The original Hush was about a new arch-nemesis for Batman, whose identity was only revealed after 12 issues of tense storytelling and Bat anguish. Few details have been released about H2SH…and who doesn’t like a surprise?

The book looks pretty spectacular though, as shown by preview pages released a few days ago. 

Batman #158 preview pages by Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair
Batman #158 preview pages by Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair

Congrats to DC on their success – and their moxie in making it public. 

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