“I don’t know if anyone else has seen the latest E! clip, but basically they’re cleaning out Khloe’s closet and one of the items she cleans out is a dress because she’s already worn it
And I just feel so, so angry… this isn’t the first time that the Kardashians have been entitled. I remember when they were doing water restrictions in California their lawns were still green and they jokingly addressed it with a one-off line of Khloe going ‘Oh are we doing the no watering grass thing, oops.’
Why, in this day and age, is there still this immense pressure on celebrities to only wear an outfit/item once? I feel like it ends up trickling down to the rest of us as this need to own just as many outfits as the rich own. Which of course we can’t cause we’re not rich, so then we turn to Fast Fashion. Which is an environmental and ethical disaster in itself.
Just so frustrated. Change happens so slowly. There aren’t enough ethical options out there, and it doesn’t help that people with power and influence don’t seem to care.”
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