Warning! This article contains spoilers for Silo season 2’s finale.
Silo season 2 perfectly paves the way for season 3 by resolving some underlying mysteries but intentionally leaving viewers with more questions than answers. Unlike its predecessor, Silo season 2 adopts a new storytelling approach where it divides its runtime between two parallel narratives. While one of its primary story beats focuses on the events inside Slo 18, the other follows Juliette’s adventures in Silo 17. Towards the end of the season, both narratives collide and present a gripping finale that sets the stage for Silo season 3 to expand the franchise’s lore.
Before the finale’s credits roll, Silo season 2 also features a mysterious flashback that not only adds two new characters to the mix but also makes room for the next season to answer many underlying questions. Given how Silo has been renewed for two more seasons, season 3 will also likely not resolve all the overarching mysteries. However, with season 2’s ending, the Apple TV+ sci-fi show is set to make many new revelations in season 3, which will help viewers connect the dots and understand where Juliette’s story is going.
Why Were The Silos Built In The First Place?
Their Origins Might Connect To The Radiological Event Helen & The Congressman Talk About
Helen and the Congressman briefly talk about dirty bombs in Silo season 2’s ending moments. However, the way Helen refers to the bombs suggests they might be a hoax. This raises many questions about what might have actually happened to the world before a few humans were forced to accommodate the silos. Was the entire silo project part of a grand conspiracy? Or, were the founders well-intended and only took extreme measures to protect and sustain humanity? Silo season 3 should answer these questions as it covers Hugh Howey’s second Silo book, Shift.
Are There More Survivors In Other Silos?
Silo 17 And 18 Cannot Be The Only Ones With Human Life
Silo season 2 confirms that Silo 18 is not the only underground structure in the show’s world that accommodates living humans. Since there are a total of 51 silos, it seems unlikely that the people of all the others have died. Even if all the other silos have been destroyed, they might still have a survivor or two, like Silo 17. If other silos have life, it would be interesting to see how their stories will tie into Silo 18’s narrative in the Apple TV+ show’s next season.
What Is Behind The Tunnels?
The Algorithm Has To Be Protecting Something Important
When Bernard and Lukas find the layout of Silo 18, they discover it has underground tunnel-like structures that connect to something in the outside world. This raises many questions about where the tunnels go. Could they be connected to other silos or a safe house in the outside world? Since the tunnels are beneath the silos, it is also hard not to wonder if the people in the silo could use them to travel safely without wearing insulation suits. The Algorithm also guards the Silo 18 tunnel, hinting that it holds a potentially significant secret.
Silo Season 2’s 10 Biggest Changes From The Books
Although Apple TV+’s Silo season 2 stays true to many story beats from the original books, it also introduces many major changes to the original plot.
A closer look Silo 18’s lowest level also reveals that it accommodates a boring machine. Could the drilling machine be used to escape the silos? Hopefully, Silo season 3 will provide more answers to these baffling mysteries.
How Did The People Of Silo 17 Die?
Solo Reveals The Mysterious Conditions Surrounding Their Death
After telling Juliette about the Safeguard procedure and how she can stop it, Solo recalls that the people in his silo were initially fine when they stepped out. He claims his father found a way to stop what kills humans when they step out. However, as he recollects, a strange dust came towards them after they left Silo 17 and killed them before they could do anything.
Since Silo season 2’s ending aligns with the final arc of Hugh Howey’s first Silo book, Wool, season 3 should adapt the second book, Shift, or combine elements from both the second and the third book (Dust).
Solo’s story suggests that the thing that killed Silo 17’s citizens was less of a natural hazard and more of a controlled element. Season 3 could explore what actually happened to Silo 17’s people and how some citizens, like Solo, managed to survive.
What Exactly Did Lukas Say To Bernard In Silo Season 2’s Finale?
It Still Seems Unclear What Lukas Said To Him
Bernard, who has always been deadset on following the rules and enforcing them on Silo 18’s citizens, suddenly loses all hope and gives up on his position of power after Lukas tells him what he learns from the Algorithm. Lukas, too, tells Bernard that he does not want to be his shadow anymore. Before Lukas and Bernard, Meadows and Salvador Quinn also experienced a similar sense of hopelessness after talking to the Algorithm.
There are three books in Hugh Howey’s original Silo book series: Wool, Shift, and Dust.
While season 2 confirms that the Algorithm has the power to implement the Safeguard protocol and destroy Silo 18 at any given point, it does not explore its motives and why the founders created the extreme protocol. Lukas likely learned about the terms of the protocol through the Algorithm and told Bernard about it. Silo season 3 should delve deeper into this and reveal why learning about the protocol made Meadows, Lukas, Bernard, and Salvador give up on the overarching silo system.
Who Are The Two Characters In Silo Season 2’s Ending Flashback?
The Flashback Confirms They Are Connected To The Silos
Silo season 2 ends with a flashback that features two characters, Helen and a Congressman. Although the flashback does not delve into the details of who they are and how their narratives connect to the silos and the apocalyptic event that destroyed the world, their discussions about a “dirty bomb” hint that a radiological catastrophe led to the events of the show’s present timeline. The Congressman also seems to be an insider with knowledge of the political and corporate machinations behind the event, suggesting that he could be one of the people who created the silos.

How The World Was Destroyed In Silo (Theory Confirmed)
The outside world was destroyed well before the events of Silo, but season 2 finally provides details into what caused the apocalyptic conditions.
Before Silo season 2 concludes its run, it also hints at the beginning of romantic developments between Helen and the Congressman. Since the flashback is set over 300 years before the show’s present time, it is hard to guess how their narrative will tie into the overarching story. However, season 3 can be expected to provide more answers.
What Is The Significance Of The Pez Dispenser?
The Harmless Relic Seems To Hold A Lot Of Value
George Wilkins leaves a Pez dispenser with Juliette in Silo season 1, with a message that confirms he found what he was looking for in Silo 18’s lowest level. Juliette later plants the same relic in Trumbull’s apartment to be able to look for evidence of George Wilkins’ murder. Although the object seems insignificant in Silo season 1, season 2 hints there is more to it than meets the eye. It reveals that the Congressman gifted it to Helen when they first met more than 300 years before the show’s present timeline.
Since George’s ancestors have been revealed to be freedom fighters, Helen might have also been one of Silo 18’s first few Flamekeepers.
The fact that the candy dispenser somehow stood the test of time and ended up with George Wilkins seemingly hints that Helen was among the first generation of survivors in Silo 18. As George’s ancestor, she might have passed down the candy dispenser as a symbol of hope and freedom, reminding her and her descendants of the “before times.” Since George’s ancestors have been revealed to be freedom fighters, Helen might have also been one of Silo 18’s first few Flamekeepers. Season 3 should delve deeper into this major connection between the past and the present.
What Does The Algorithm Want From Camille?
It Chooses Camille Over Robert
After getting the key to Silo 18’s vault from Bernard, Sims approaches Lukas to ask him what he told Bernard. Lukas refuses to say anything and prompts him to visit the vault to find answers. To Sims’ surprise, when he finally visits the vault with his wife and son, the Algorithm asks him and his son to leave.
Silo Key Facts Breakdown | |
Created By | Graham Yost |
Rotten Tomatoes Critics’ Score | 92% |
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score | 64% |
Based On | Hugh Howey Silo series that includes three books: Wool, Shift, & Dust |
This makes it hard not to wonder why it only wants Camille to stay. Could this mean that the Algorithm sees Camille as Silo 18’s new potential leader? Or, is the Algorithm trying to punish Camille for disrupting Bernard’s season 2 plans? The former seems more likely, but season 3 will provide more answers.
Why Did The Founders Build An Additional Silo?
Season 3 Could Reveal Why An Additional Silo Was Built
When Lukas tells Bernard about the first few lines in Salvador Quinn’s letter, revealing that there are a total of 50 silos, Bernard does not seem surprised. He informs Lukas that there are, in fact, 51 silos. Although he claims he has no clue why the founders built an additional silo, he seems certain they built it for a reason. This raises questions about whether the founders are still somehow alive, occupying the additional silo and keeping a close eye on all the other silos. Or, the additional silo is the home for an even darker mystery that season 3 will explore.
Will Bernard Survive The Airlock Fire?
Bernard’s Fate Seems Uncertain After Season 2’s Ending
In the final scene of Silo season 2’s present timeline, Bernard and Juliette accidentally find themselves trapped in Silo 18’s airlock. Before they know it, flames engulf the entire chamber, forcing them to lie down to protect themselves. Given how Juliette uses a fireman’s suit from Silo 17, she will certainly survive the airlock fire because her suit has been designed to protect her from high temperatures. Bernard’s fate, however, seems uncertain because he dons a regular cleaner’s suit.
Since the cleaner’s suit has also been designed to protect one from the outside world, it might offer some resistance against the airlock fire. Juliette, too, might try to save Bernard. However, before Silo season 3, it is hard to guess whether an important character like Bernard, brilliantly portrayed by Tim Robbins, will continue his journey or not.
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