10 Best Food Crafting Recipes in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

In Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, you can discover recipes for food items crafted from the best animal and plant parts you harvest in the open world. Consuming different meals gives your Na’vi character a variety of buffs that make them stronger for a limited period of time. With so many resources you can collect as ingredients, it’s hard to tell which food items provide the most powerful effects.

Early in the first chapters of the story, you will find a Cooking Station at the first Resistance base you visit. From here, you can take a plant or pieces of an animal you’ve hunted from your inventory and combine two into a food item. Certain recipes are not revealed on your crafting list until you experiment with an ingredient at least once, so make sure to cook many different items in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

Cooking Stations are not the only places to cook food in the game. You will find places to craft meals in every Na’vi Clan camp you uncover throughout the main story.


8 Tips for Beginners in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

The beautiful open-world presented in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora can be intimidating for beginners. Here’s a few tips to help start your journey.

10 Rich Meat Roast

Recipe: 2 Fatty Meats

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Rich Meat Roast Food Item with Effect Displayed

Recipe Buff


Bark Skin

Take less damage from wildlife and RDA enemies.

One of the earliest meals you can put together is the Rich Meat Roast, which gives your character the Bark Skin buff. This effect causes you to take less damage from wildlife and RDA enemies for a limited time. Near the start of your adventure, you have a low Combat Strength in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, making it difficult to survive in the beautiful yet dangerous jungles of the open world.

Only 2 Fatty Meats are required to make this meal from hunted animals you take down while exploring. Ensure you get clean kills on animals you target by only using arrows to drain their health to zero. This lets you obtain the best resources from any killed creature, typically Fatty Meat, Lean Meat, or sometimes both in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

Check your Hunter’s Guide to see what parts animals drop when killed. You can only study wildlife that you have already inspected through your Na’vi Senses.

9 Fish-Stuffed Mushroom

Recipe: Any Mushroom + Any Fish

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Na'vi Character Fishing with Spear in Water for Food Supplies

Recipe Buff



Deal more damage during stealth.

The Fish-Stuffed Mushroom recipe gives you Ambush, an ability that increases your damage during stealth in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Remaining hidden is crucial for attacking RDA Outposts or hunting down larger prey in the jungles of Pandora. This extra power for your attacks will make it easier to get a head start against your foes or thin their numbers for an aggressive assault.

Fishing can be a confusing aspect of hunting in the game since you must shoot fish with arrows as they come up to the surface with your bow to actually catch any. Check out this survival tips guide from YouTube creator Boomstick Gaming for more hidden hunting tricks!

8 Meat Slice Seafood

Recipe: Any Fish + Any Lean Meat

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Meat Slice Seafood Item that Gives Stealthy III Buff with Explanation of Ability

Recipe Buff



Have a better chance to stay hidden and not alert enemies while attempting stealth.

Continuing the theme of stealth bonuses, the Meat Slice Seafood gives your character the Stealthy trait, which boosts your ability to stay hidden. The tall shape of your Na’vi character makes them easy to spot unless you’re careful. Even a small change provided by this food will give you a better chance to stick to the shadows and avoid danger as you explore in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

The food items you create improve as you purchase Skills from the Maker Skill Tree for your character. The crafted recipes last longer and have larger buffs, but the overall effect does not change based on the recipe.

7 Fruit Salad

Recipe: 2 Fruits

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Sweet Fruit Salad Food Recipe Highlighted with Character Buff Explained

Recipe Buff



Raises your character’s base health by a certain percentage.

Some of the best foods to craft are ones that are made from common resources in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. The Fruit Salad is one such recipe; it only requires a couple of fruits thrown together to give your character the Hearty buff. This effect raises your base health, letting you take more damage and survive in the dangerous situations found across the planet.


Should You Play On Guided Or Exploration Mode In Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora?

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora offers two key methods of discovering its world, and one is likely to be the better option for most players.

6 Fruit and Meat Skewer

Recipe: Any Fruit + Any Lean Meat

Recipe Buff



Increases the damage dealt by your character.

Another common food to create is the Fruit and Meat Skewer, whose Fury buff increases your character’s damage. The simple trait found with this meal is highly effective against hostile wildlife or the ever-present RDA encountered in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Once again, the ease at which you can collect the materials for this recipe makes this food a consistent item to rely on, especially during important quests.

5 Fresh Fish Soup

Recipe: Buoyfish + Radar Mushroom

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Na'vi Making Food with Different Ingredients Near a Fire

Recipe Buff



Have a better chance to stay hidden and not alert enemies while attempting stealth.

Forest Rapport

Allows you to see highlighted wildlife without activating Na’vi Senses.

There are five specialty recipes for food in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora that rely on specific ingredients to make. While you may have to search for areas with the right plants or animals, the Fresh Fish Soup items are worth the effort. This dish gives your character the Stealthy buff and the Forest Rapport ability, which lets you clearly see wildlife maturities without using your Na’vi Senses.

There are many tricks to farming essential food items that include manipulating animal spawns and marking locations on your map that always spawn certain ingredients. Check out YouTube creator 04AM for some hints on how to become the ultimate survivalist.

4 Cheesy Sahena

Recipe: Zakru Milk + Fiery Herbs

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora RDA Outpost with Enemy Mechs and Ships

Recipe Buff



Increases the overall movement speed of your character.

Fighter’s Boon

Deal more damage to RDA enemies.

Another specialty recipe in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is Cheesy Sahena, which gives you the Fleet-Footed and Fighter’s Boon buffs. Fleet-Footed gives you faster movement speed, and Fighter’s Boon lets you deal more damage to RDA enemies. Combining these two traits will make your character a menace to human foes as you attack different Outposts, spreading pollution.

3 Sweetened Niktsyey

Recipe: Swamp Hive Nectar + Shelter Fruit

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Harvesting Swamp Hive Nectar to Make Niktsyey Food Item for The Eye of Eywa Quest

Recipe Buff



Increases the overall movement speed of your character.


Take less damage from fire with increased resistance to the element.

The Sweetened Niktsyey recipe also lets you get the Fleet-Footed buff, but this time, it gives you the Firewalk ability instead of Fighter’s Boon. Firewalk gives your character resistance to fire in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora as you move with more speed through this food. Often, it can be hard to avoid suffering fire damage in large battles against the RDA, but this recipe gives you far better protection from the flames.

2 Stormglider Soup

Recipe: Stormglider Egg + Octofin Fish

Protagonist flying the Ikran creature in the Avatar Frontiers of Pandora game

Recipe Buff


Ikran Boost

Raises the total Stamina of your Ikran mount.

Blast Resistance

Take less blast damage from explosive attacks (grenades, rockets, etc.).

Crafted food typically doesn’t do anything for your Ikran mount in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, but the Stormglider Soup is a clear exception. When you consume this item, it gives your flying companion extra Stamina to travel over greater distances. Your character, on the other hand, receives the Blast Resistance buff to help against the explosives used by hovering RDA vehicles in Pandora’s skies.

1 Thanator Niktsyey

Recipe: Moss Forest Thanator Meat + Kite Manta Egg

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Na'vi Character Fighting Against Thanator Wild Beasts

Recipe Buff



Increases the damage dealt by your character.


You move almost silently when attempting stealth.

The Thanator Niktsyey recipe produces the best food item in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora due to the Fury and Furtive buffs. The increased damage from Fury pairs with a huge bonus to stealth from the Furtive trait. Eating this meal will cause your character to be an assassin in the forests of Pandora, as you can take out most of your enemies with only a few arrows.

The strongest food recipes in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora are reliable and effective dishes that bring out the potential of your character best.

Source: YouTube/Boomstick Gaming, YouTube/04AM

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Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora

Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora is a first-person action-adventure that revolves around the Avatar world crafted by filmmaker James Cameron. The title is expected to be an open-world action-adventure release and is being developed by Massive Entertainment. Players will control the Na’vi and fight to protect their lands from the RDA.

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